
Muscles Weigh More Than Fat

Well, this weekend I had to convince myself of the fact that Muscles weigh more than fat. I have been workingout every day, doing cardio and strength training on alternating days.

I was feeeling great and knew that I was losing inches because my clothes are looser than normal and I've had tons more energy. Thatw was until I got to my Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday morning. I stepped onto the scale expecting 5 pounds lost and only saw 1.2 on the scale. I am officially 312.2 pounds.

I know that 1.2 lost is better than anything gained, but it's still hard after losing 7.6 last week. I spoke with the staff and we all came to the same conclusion, if I'm losing inches but not seeing it in the numbers, it's because I'm gaining muscle mass while losing fat.

This is a great thing because in the long run I will be able to tone up easier and I will see better physical results, but in the short term it's frustrating beyond belief.

I want to lose weight, I want to hit my short-term goals and it is taking forever.

As you can tell, patience is not something I have a lot of today. Oh well, I guess I should get off this computer and get to my workout.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Certainly in no way should this topic deter people from increasing their muscle mass.

    More importantly, I hope that organizations such as this "Weight Watchers" perform other forms of client monitoring other than just the simple weight scale for reasons like this. I mean, when a person is cutting down their weight, it more often than not involves some form of activity which more often than not will increase their muscles. Otherwise, without proper monitoring methods, it can be deceiving at times to people.

    Blake :)
