
Lacking Motivation

Have you ever had one of those days when you have the best of intentions and desires and yet everything falls apart so easily?

I went to bed at a decent hour last night so that I could get up early and get a workout in before work and get the day off to a good start. I planned to get a lot accomplished at the office, have a good sales day at the store and then a quick workout when I got home.

Well, the only part of that which ended up working out was the getting to bed. My alarm was set for 6:00 but I didn't get up until 7:20. Not great since the kid has to leave at 7:30 and we follow by 8:00 and had lunches/dinner to get packed, not to mention getting showered.

Obviously the morning workout didn't happen. Things went ok at the office but I accomplished pretty much nothing and ended up going home early due to a sick puppy.

Once the kid got home from school I headed to the part time job. I walked the store for 4 hours but it was so quiet, it seemed like 8 hours.

Once I was at home I really didn't feel like doing anything. I kept telling myself that I had to do a workout, but I kept coming up with every excuse in the book.

So now it's midnight and I didn't do anything physical today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Let's wait and see.

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