
The Best Invention Ever!

I am absolutely in love with the new individual containers of ice cream that are now available. I picked up one of each type that our local Safeway carries and they are amazing. The one I had tonight is 157ml with 170 Calories. It's Nestle Real Dairy Ice Cream, the White & Dark Chocolate flavour. It was just enough sweetness to satisfy my sweet tooth without completely derailing my meal plan for the day. My one true indulgence is ice cream, and now that I know I can have one of these little cups without worrying about portion size I am a happy woman. The store I shop at has them in the Nestle Sundae flavours, several of the Real Dairy flavors, some Hagen Dazs as well as 2 different flavors of Skinny Cow. As I mentioned, I have bought one of each to try, but will likely have to buy more as my 14 year old son has decided they are convenient and he can help himself to them as well. I look forward to seeing what other flavours they come out with and knowing that for my occasional treat, these are as close as my freezer.


I Have Lost 200 Pounds!!

As of this morning I have officially lost 201 pounds!

I am now 288 pounds. I know for most people this would not be a weight to celebrate but years ago I was at 489. 288 I'm so much happier with.

I have 79 pounds to lose and I will be the weight I was when I started this weight loss journey at 12 years old.

I can't wait to reach that goal... One day at a time but I will get there.


Need To Re-Focus

The last couple of days have been a roller coaster ride for me emotionally. My dad went to the hospoital by ambulance on Wednesday morning, suffering from chest pain.

They figure it was a mild heart attack that the EMT treated early enough that it didn't cause permanent damage.

It got me thinking that Rick, my husband, is approaching the age that I'm going to have to start dealing with these issues with him. That fact, combined with my own caridac issues, has given me what I hope will be the kick in the ass I need to make the changes necessary to improve my life and that of my family.

I am so frustrated with myself. On August 12th, I reached my first goal of 300 pounds. I was thrilled that day because on was on the right track.

Well, her I am, 3 months later and my weight this morning was 300 pounds. I have officially lost absolutely nothing in 3 months. What a huge waste of time!

I have now committed myself to using the Sparkpeople.com program and pray that this time I will succeed.


Feeling Like A Yo-Yo

For the last week I have been bouncing between 294 and 297. I feel like I'm never going to end this up and down cycle.

I feel great at 294 but when the scale is the other way I almost lose my mind. How can I have such great success and then stall out like this. It's so frustrating.

I guess it's time to get my butt back in the gym and work it off. I now want out of the 290's!


I DID IT!!! I'm in the 200's!

This morning when I woke up and headed for the bathroom scale, my stomach was in knots. I knew there was little chance that I could have lost enough weight to be below the 300.0 mark, but I kept my fingers crossed, closed my eyes and stepped on.

When I opened my eyes and saw 299.6 I screamed out loud. The last time I saw that number was when I was in the first part of my pregnancy with my son. Since he turned 13 in February, that tells you how long it's been.

NEVER again will I see a 3 at the start of my weight. That is behind me and it's all downwards from here.


I've Reached Goal #1

I know it's been 2 months since I've updated this blog, and there really is no excuse.

Yes I have been working 60 hour weeks, but somehow I manage to get online and chat so I should be updating this as well.

As the title states, I have reached my first goal. I am officially 300 Pounds! I know, most people would wonder why on earth I would celebrate 300.... but for me, this is a big accomplishment.

I haven't been 300 pounds since February 25th, 1997, when my now 13 year old son was just 3 weeks old. I have officially lost 189 pounds from my heaviest of 489. I now know that all of my goals are achievable, if I just work at it.

I will reach every one of my goals, if I just stay on track and keep focused on the small steps. I know I still have 93 pounds to get to my primary goal, but if I focus on the small goals first, it's not so daunting. Along the way I am sure there will be times when I faulter, but if I remind myself of the end result, I will force myself to get back on track.

Within the next couple of days I will see a weight starting with the number 2, something I haven't seen in almost 14 years. I am SOOOOO excited!!

Goal #2 is 275 pounds. This is the weight I was the day I graduated high school 15 years ago. I can't even picture myself at that weight. I thought life couldn't get any worse than when I was that weight, and now I'm striving to get to it.... isn't life strange sometimes?

To reach goal #2 I have to lose 25 pounds. I have set the date to reach this goal for December 31st. This gives me 4 1/2 months to lose the weight. This may seem really slow, but at just under a pound and a half a week, if I do faulter, I still have time to correct the situation and still succeed. If I reach the goal before that date, then I get to start on the next goal that much sooner.

As of right now, I am definitely on track to reach my goal of 207 before my 35th birthday... March 12th, 2012. That is my personal deadline for ultimate success!

Keep an eye out for the thinner, more improved version of me!


Lacking Motivation

Have you ever had one of those days when you have the best of intentions and desires and yet everything falls apart so easily?

I went to bed at a decent hour last night so that I could get up early and get a workout in before work and get the day off to a good start. I planned to get a lot accomplished at the office, have a good sales day at the store and then a quick workout when I got home.

Well, the only part of that which ended up working out was the getting to bed. My alarm was set for 6:00 but I didn't get up until 7:20. Not great since the kid has to leave at 7:30 and we follow by 8:00 and had lunches/dinner to get packed, not to mention getting showered.

Obviously the morning workout didn't happen. Things went ok at the office but I accomplished pretty much nothing and ended up going home early due to a sick puppy.

Once the kid got home from school I headed to the part time job. I walked the store for 4 hours but it was so quiet, it seemed like 8 hours.

Once I was at home I really didn't feel like doing anything. I kept telling myself that I had to do a workout, but I kept coming up with every excuse in the book.

So now it's midnight and I didn't do anything physical today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Let's wait and see.