
Last Nights Biggest Loser

There are only 2 shows on TV that I absolutely MUST watch and NBC's The Biggest Loser is one of them.

I have been hooked on the show since Day 1 of the first season. I see my faults and my struggles in every one of their stories.

Most times when I watch it I feel a sense of hope from their successes. I watch their workouts for things I can do and I take note of all the Trainer Tips that are made available.

On the odd day, though, it does upset me to watch it. The starting weight of most of these people is under what I currently weigh. I know I have come a far way but when I realize I still have so far to go, it's upsetting.

On last nights show I could relate with Michael. He's lost 183 pounds but still has a long road ahead. When he said that at the start of the week he was only 5 pounds less than what Daris had weighed Day 1 it hit me hard.

The weight that Sunshine was on Day 1 is still 2 goals away for me. She started her journey at 275 pounds and I would give so much to be that weight.

I know that I can't begrudge them their success and I really am happy for them, but sometimes I am jealous of what they've accomplished. But then I think, if they can do it so can I.

I don't have 8 hours a day to workout, or the money for a personal trainer to kick my butt, but I will do what I can. The weight won't come off as quickly doing it my way, but it will come off.

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