
Need To Re-Focus

The last couple of days have been a roller coaster ride for me emotionally. My dad went to the hospoital by ambulance on Wednesday morning, suffering from chest pain.

They figure it was a mild heart attack that the EMT treated early enough that it didn't cause permanent damage.

It got me thinking that Rick, my husband, is approaching the age that I'm going to have to start dealing with these issues with him. That fact, combined with my own caridac issues, has given me what I hope will be the kick in the ass I need to make the changes necessary to improve my life and that of my family.

I am so frustrated with myself. On August 12th, I reached my first goal of 300 pounds. I was thrilled that day because on was on the right track.

Well, her I am, 3 months later and my weight this morning was 300 pounds. I have officially lost absolutely nothing in 3 months. What a huge waste of time!

I have now committed myself to using the Sparkpeople.com program and pray that this time I will succeed.


Feeling Like A Yo-Yo

For the last week I have been bouncing between 294 and 297. I feel like I'm never going to end this up and down cycle.

I feel great at 294 but when the scale is the other way I almost lose my mind. How can I have such great success and then stall out like this. It's so frustrating.

I guess it's time to get my butt back in the gym and work it off. I now want out of the 290's!


I DID IT!!! I'm in the 200's!

This morning when I woke up and headed for the bathroom scale, my stomach was in knots. I knew there was little chance that I could have lost enough weight to be below the 300.0 mark, but I kept my fingers crossed, closed my eyes and stepped on.

When I opened my eyes and saw 299.6 I screamed out loud. The last time I saw that number was when I was in the first part of my pregnancy with my son. Since he turned 13 in February, that tells you how long it's been.

NEVER again will I see a 3 at the start of my weight. That is behind me and it's all downwards from here.


I've Reached Goal #1

I know it's been 2 months since I've updated this blog, and there really is no excuse.

Yes I have been working 60 hour weeks, but somehow I manage to get online and chat so I should be updating this as well.

As the title states, I have reached my first goal. I am officially 300 Pounds! I know, most people would wonder why on earth I would celebrate 300.... but for me, this is a big accomplishment.

I haven't been 300 pounds since February 25th, 1997, when my now 13 year old son was just 3 weeks old. I have officially lost 189 pounds from my heaviest of 489. I now know that all of my goals are achievable, if I just work at it.

I will reach every one of my goals, if I just stay on track and keep focused on the small steps. I know I still have 93 pounds to get to my primary goal, but if I focus on the small goals first, it's not so daunting. Along the way I am sure there will be times when I faulter, but if I remind myself of the end result, I will force myself to get back on track.

Within the next couple of days I will see a weight starting with the number 2, something I haven't seen in almost 14 years. I am SOOOOO excited!!

Goal #2 is 275 pounds. This is the weight I was the day I graduated high school 15 years ago. I can't even picture myself at that weight. I thought life couldn't get any worse than when I was that weight, and now I'm striving to get to it.... isn't life strange sometimes?

To reach goal #2 I have to lose 25 pounds. I have set the date to reach this goal for December 31st. This gives me 4 1/2 months to lose the weight. This may seem really slow, but at just under a pound and a half a week, if I do faulter, I still have time to correct the situation and still succeed. If I reach the goal before that date, then I get to start on the next goal that much sooner.

As of right now, I am definitely on track to reach my goal of 207 before my 35th birthday... March 12th, 2012. That is my personal deadline for ultimate success!

Keep an eye out for the thinner, more improved version of me!


Lacking Motivation

Have you ever had one of those days when you have the best of intentions and desires and yet everything falls apart so easily?

I went to bed at a decent hour last night so that I could get up early and get a workout in before work and get the day off to a good start. I planned to get a lot accomplished at the office, have a good sales day at the store and then a quick workout when I got home.

Well, the only part of that which ended up working out was the getting to bed. My alarm was set for 6:00 but I didn't get up until 7:20. Not great since the kid has to leave at 7:30 and we follow by 8:00 and had lunches/dinner to get packed, not to mention getting showered.

Obviously the morning workout didn't happen. Things went ok at the office but I accomplished pretty much nothing and ended up going home early due to a sick puppy.

Once the kid got home from school I headed to the part time job. I walked the store for 4 hours but it was so quiet, it seemed like 8 hours.

Once I was at home I really didn't feel like doing anything. I kept telling myself that I had to do a workout, but I kept coming up with every excuse in the book.

So now it's midnight and I didn't do anything physical today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Let's wait and see.


Gold's Gym Cardio Workout

This will be my first Wii Review so I'm hoping it will be alright.

I picked up this "game" after watching a couple of episodes of "Last Ten Pounds BootCamp". After seeing the trainer on the show have the people use boxing to tone up I decided it couldn't hurt me. I found a great deal on the game and spent less than $20 for it.

The start up of the game is very simple. You first select your character, if you've already played, or select "Register New". When you register for the first time an animated Trainer will welcome you and walk you through the process where you enter your information, and get your character. At this point you will enter your height and weight, which will be transferred to your character, changing the appearance of your character.

I don't typically mind these types of depictions of myself, but the thing I find frustrating with this one is that once you hit 250 pounds it doesn't change anything on the character, so as I lose weight, it will not change how my character looks until I have lost a huge amount. It's a small thing, but to me it would be nice if they could work on that.

You then get to pick between 2 instructors, one male and one female. As you progress through the game other instructors will become available.

You also get to pick your control style. You have the option of using a Wii remote and Nunchuk or 2 Wii remotes. I opted for the 2 remote style as that is what was recommended.

You are then instructed on the basic stance which is the foundation for all of the boxing activities in the game. Once you have said that you understand the stance you are taking through the 2 basic punches, Jab and Cross. The trainer gives you examples and then you are taken through a preliminary workout which I find is a great way to get a feel of the way the workouts will go.

The Main Menu gives you 3 different options for your workout. You have Shape Boxing, Boxing Examination and Exercise. In addition to the workout options you can also access "My Data" and "Basic Controls" from the main menu. But, we are here for the workouts afterall.

In Shape Boxing you have to work from Basic level up. Once you have completed the basic other options will become available to you. You also need to complete the Basic level in Shape Boxing before you can proceed to the Boxing Examination.

Once you can access the Boxing Examination you begin at the level E exam and work your way up. Here you will be given questions regarding the punches you have been using. You will have to repeat varying patterns of the punches. If you complete all questions with a score greater than required you pass and the next exam level will become available to you.

In Exercise you can pick activities to change it up a bit. Not all of the activities will be available to you right away. As you progress through the game you will get more things to do. Some of the activities here include mitt work, punch dodge, sandbag and jump rope, all of which provide a good workout without you realizing it.

As you use the game more often, you will receive rewards when you hit certain levels and things will be unlocked for you as well. I will let you discover those on your own, as I myself have not found them all out yet.

There are a few things I really like about this game. The first would be that I get to select the music I want to workout to so I don't have the same music in the background every day. It's nice to change it up from time to time. Another thing I like is the fact that now that I have worked through the basic and intermediate levels, when I go into the game my "trainer" Nina asks if I want a pre-arranged workout or if I want to pick and chose my own activities.

Most of the time I go with the pre-arranged as I find it's a good balance for me. Once I select this, she then asks if I want a light, regular or hardcore workout. This is great, as it allows me to adjust how I'm feeling one day to the next. I did hardcore the other day and ended up pulling something in my left arm, so today I think I'm doing a regular workout. I just love having the option.

I think for me the best thing about this "game" is that you don't realize how hard your working out until you stop. The last 3 days I have stopped the game and found that I was sweating quite a bit. I know, it's not the prettiest picture, but it's a good sign. My heart rate was up and I was feeling the workout, but I was having so much fun, I didn't notice the exertion level. That is my kind of workout.

My only issue with the game, other than the character generator, is I wish there was some full body exercises as well, beyond the ducks(squats), and twists for some of the punches. With that being said, I would have to give this game a 7.5 out of 10 for workout effectiveness and enjoyment. If a game keeps me interested for more than a week, they must be doing something right.


Latest Weigh-In

YIPPEEEE!!!! I have lost another 2 pounds. I am down a total of 180 pounds from my heaviest, and 11.8 since I joined Weight Watchers.

After my gain earlier this week I truly believed this week would be a write-off. I have been working out every day with Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii, which I will do a review of tomorrow, and it seems to be helping me burns the calories and tone things up.

I am so excited. I am now 309.2 pounds. Only 9.3 pounds over the weight I was 13 years ago when my son was born. I can't wait to see a number starting with a 2.

Up Next: Gold Gym's Cardio Workout for the Nintendo Wii


It Has Caught Up To Me

Well, the weight I had been expecting earlier, has shown up in full force. It actually appeared yesterday, but I was hoping to knock away some of it before posting.

When I stepped on the scale yesterday morning it showed an increase of 4 pounds. YIKES!!!

I am now back to 315 with only 4 days left until my next weigh-in. I guess it's just salads, fruit and lots of exercise between now and then.

I am going to Canadian Tire to buy my bike tonight so as soon as I get home and ensure the bolts are tight and everything is working properly, I will be hitting the road and working off as many calories as I can. Hopefully it will do great things for me.

I love being on a bike and there are some amazing bike trails here in the city so I am looking forward to it. I bought my son his bike on the weekend so now the 2 of us can get out and do some things together.

Wish me luck.


Not My Best Week. I Think This Coming Week May be Worse

So yesterday was my latest weigh-in. I was almost expecting to gain weight. I had a couple of bad days diet wise and I didn't do my workouts as often as I should have.

When I stepped on the scale I was braced for bad news. Fortunately I did lose weight, but it was only 1 pound. I have to keep thinking that 1 pound down is better than half a pound up.

I have to get my act together and start losing more weight. Unfortunately I didn't do myself any favors last night. My husband and I went out to a club last night to have some fun. Unfortunately I made some bad choices that I'm sure will catch up with me later this week.

Up until last night I hadn't had a drink in several months, but last night I had 2 drinks of bacardi pina colada. I could have had more but decided I would make bad choices, not horrible mistakes.

After we left the club we ended up going to Denny's as my husband was having some issues with his diabetes. We had a late night snack, that for me ended up being breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. This is not the worst thing, but eating after midnight is never a good idea.

When I got up this morning I expected going up 3 pounds just in water retention, but I ended up down 0.6 pounds so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Working A Second Job. Can I count it as activity?

So I have now started a part-time job. I will be working 2 nights a week and then a full day on Saturday. I'm hoping I can count it as activity since I'll be on my feet all day.

I greatly enjoy the job, as I've done it before at the same store, but it is definitely going to be a struggle. The duties are not the problem. What I have a concern with is the fact that the store is in a mall. We are about 6 stores from the food court and there are not a lot of healthy options there. I will either have to bring my own meals, and eat in the back room, or see if I can find better choices at the food court.

They have a sushi place so that is ok, I guess. The Chinese place has vegetables but my thought is if the vegetables glisten and shine, they probably are not that good for you. The same thing goes for the rotisserie chicken place. My husband eats there often and his fingers are always greasy afterwards... no thank you.

Dairy Queen/Orange Julius is out of the question, as is A&W, Joey's Only and Taco Time.

I will have to do some research on the nutritional information for the other places and hopefully I can identify a few things that I can choose from and not set myself on a destructive path.We'll have to see how it goes.

My other concern is the fact that I'm not used to being on my feet all day so I will have to push myself harder when I get home to ensure I get my workouts in. I am not giving up on my fitness plans just because I'm working 2 jobs.

I Will Succeed, regardless of the effort it takes!


Muscles Weigh More Than Fat

Well, this weekend I had to convince myself of the fact that Muscles weigh more than fat. I have been workingout every day, doing cardio and strength training on alternating days.

I was feeeling great and knew that I was losing inches because my clothes are looser than normal and I've had tons more energy. Thatw was until I got to my Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday morning. I stepped onto the scale expecting 5 pounds lost and only saw 1.2 on the scale. I am officially 312.2 pounds.

I know that 1.2 lost is better than anything gained, but it's still hard after losing 7.6 last week. I spoke with the staff and we all came to the same conclusion, if I'm losing inches but not seeing it in the numbers, it's because I'm gaining muscle mass while losing fat.

This is a great thing because in the long run I will be able to tone up easier and I will see better physical results, but in the short term it's frustrating beyond belief.

I want to lose weight, I want to hit my short-term goals and it is taking forever.

As you can tell, patience is not something I have a lot of today. Oh well, I guess I should get off this computer and get to my workout.

Wish me luck!


This Short Week Seems To Be Lasting A Year

I don't know what it is, but every week that begins with a Stat holiday seems to last so much longer than the week before. Last week flew by with no problem and before I knew it Friday was here.

This week, on the other hand, is taking forever. I know it's already Thursday but from the moment I got up this morning I swore it should be Friday.

Other than my one night of eatting the sweets, I have stayed on plan all week. I'm actually typing this at work while munching on some Brown Rice Crackers. According to my scale at home I have lost just over a pound this week, which isn't great, but I'm not about to start complaining.

I have worked out every day this week, even on those days when all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and read. I was actually hoping to get out for another hour long walk today, but that's not going to happen now. It is poring rain and threatening to SNOW!!!! Yikes!

Well, I guess I will just have to open the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 that I bought yesterday. I was going to save that for after I finished my 30 Day Challenge on EA Active, but I might as well switch things up a bit when the weather is this awful.

Hopefully the snow doesn't show up and the rain stops enough for a quick walk anyway. I need to get moving, sitting at a desk all day is not good for me.


Bad Decision

I've been doing great and feeling wonderful the last week or so. I've been walking every day and started jogging this morning so I've been quite proud of myself. I also started a 30 day challenge on the EA Active for the Wii. I was feeling so good and things were looking great.

After dinner my husband suggested he wanted to "be bad". He took me out for dessert at Cheesecake Cafe. Because I'm trying to lose weight and he's diabetic, I knew we wouldn't be having a dessert each. Because it was his idea, he chose the dessert.

What he decided on was the Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae. Ice Cream, Chocolate Brownie, Whipped Cream, Melted Chocolate and a Cherrie. It is so tasty, but so bad for me.

I don't really care for brownies so that part of it was ok, but the ice cream was just calling to me. I ended up eating just under a half of the sundae and as soon as I did, I felt awful. My sugar level spiked, my stomach hurt and I was disappointed in myself.

I know that it's not realistic to expect never to eat this type of thing, but I am so mad at myself for giving in so quickly.

On the Weight Watchers program I do have 35 POINTS for weekly allowance, plus the 4 POINTS I had left for the day and the 5 POINTS I had earned for activity so it doesn't sideline my efforts but I know I should do better.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn't completely unravel my progress.

I'm back to work tomorrow but intend to walk right after work. I have an hour to wait until my husband is off work so I'll park the car at his office, go for an hour walk and he can pick me up wherever I am at that time. I think that if I continue to walk I can deter any problems from my mistake today.


I Won a Hydracoach!

So last week I wrote a post here about logicalloss.com, a website I follow and podcast I listen to regularly.

There was a contest on the website for a Hydracoach, a "smart water bottle". Well, apparently I won the contest. On the podcast Dave had mentioned that he will likely be mailing it out next week. As soon as I get it I will share the details and my opinion of it.

I did take a look at it online at www.hydracoach.com and it looks cool. I'm not sure about the fact that a water bottle has a 14 page instruction manual, but I'm interested in giving it a try.

Thank you Dave and I'll let you know how it goes for me, as you seem to have had success.

First Weigh In - Success!

Today was my first weigh in and it went amazingly well.

Last week I was 321 lbs and this morning I weighed in at 313.4. Down 7.6 pounds in 1 week!!!

Since I'm starting my second week on Weight Watchers I got the 2nd book of the momentum plan. This books focus is getting moving, which I fully intend to do.

As soon as I got home from the meeting and ate breakfast I went for a walk. I had planned on walking for 15 - 20 minutes just to get started. Once I was out and moving I just kept going. I was listening to an audiobook that I love and felt good so I didn't feel like stopping.

I walked for an hour and then realized that I probably wouldn't make it through another hour walking to get home. I ended up having to call my husband and ask him to come and pick me up.

I think that I will have to do a more gradual increase in my activity. I can obviously walk an hour but I'll have to limit myself to half an hour one way and half an hour back for now. Once I build my stamina then I'll increase it to 45 minutes then to an hour. At that point I should be able to increase to a jog and then, hopefully to a run.

Who knows, maybe I will be ready to run in the 5K or even half marathon next year. Stranger things have happened.


Looking Forward To The Long Weekend

Just one day of work left until the weekend. It can't come fast enough.

I love the work I do but sometimes it's nice to have a break. Since this is the May long weekend I will be able to finally get a few things done that I've been puting off.

I've planned my meals out for the 3 days so I know what I'll be eating so it's one less thing to worry about. I have some yard work to do as long as it doesn't rain or snow so I'll do that at some point. I will definitely be spending some time doing absolutely nothing. I don't do that often but it's about time.

Saturday will be my first weigh in and I'm so excited. I've lost almost 6 pounds so far so I'm hoping it stays off until then. It's definitely a good start.


Red Lobster - Was It A Good Idea?

I was soooo craving seafood today, so my wonderful husband offered to take us out for dinner.

We ended up going to Red Lobster, which is always one of my favorite places. Typically we would order an appetizer to share, our salad, a cup of soup and then the entree. Occasionally there would be a dessert as well.

Tonight I was much better than that. I always order bottled water as I can't drink tap water so the drinks are never an issue. We did not order any appetizers and I skipped the soup.

I ordered a Casear Salad with the dressing on the side. My husband took the croutons and I ended up not using any of the dressing so all good there.

I went through my Dining Out Guide and determined that a good choice for me would be the Broiled Seafood Dish. The Guide said it was 6 POINTS so that's what I decided on. This dish has a very small filet of fish, a small maritime lobster tail and a casserole of shrimps, scallops, broccoli and rice. The side dish I chose for the entree was broccoli. I didn't use any of the butter that was served with it so I think I did well.

My biggest concern is the salt content. I don't use salt at all but I could taste the salt that was cooked in the food. I'm hoping this one meal doesn't cause me major water retention.

I guess I'll see tomorrow.


Try This Great Pasta Dish

As promised, I will be reviewing new recipes I find and sharing them here.

Tonight I was craving pasta so I went searching through all of my healthy cookbooks/magazines for something that would hit the spot. I found Chicken Tetrazzini. The recipe is from the Weight Watchers Ultimate Classics Magazine, page 31.

I will provide the recipe first and then my review at the end.

Chicken Tetrazzini (pg 31 Weight Watchers Ultimate Classics)

12 ounces uncooked spaghetti
2 Tbsp light stick butter
1 (8 - ounce) package presliced mushrooms
3 cups chopped cooked chicken breast
2 (10.75 - ounce) cans condensed 45% reduced-sodium, 98% fat-free cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
2 cups reduced-fat sour cream
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
Cooking spray
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Chopped fresh parsley (optional)

Preheat oven to 350F.
Cook spaghetti according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain.
While pasta cooks, melt butter in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms, and saute 4 minutes or until tender.
Combine pasta, mushrooms, chopped chicken, and next 3 ingredients.
Pour chicken mixture into a 13X9 inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350F for 55 minutes or until bubbly. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with parsley, if desired.

This recipe makes 9 - 1 cup servings. Each serving has 8 POINTS, 370 Calories, 12.5g Fat, 24g Protein, 38.6g Carbohydrate, 1.9g Fiber, 76mg Cholesterol, 2mg Iron, 392mg Sodium and 193mg Calcium

I love this recipe. My picky 13 year old loved it as well.
Since the meat, mushrooms and pasta are cooked before being put in the oven, it didn't take 55 minutes to cook. It was just over half an hour and we were ready to eat.

The mushroom soup mixed with the sour cream provides a nice flavor and nice creamy texture to the dish. It is very filling and the leftovers will freeze well. If you like a little more spice to your dish then you may want to add some italian seasoning in when you saute the mushrooms, but that's personal preference. I think the next time I make it I will be adding some more mushrooms, but again that's personal preference and I really like mushrooms, and on WW I can add mushrooms without adding POINTS.

I highly recommend giving it a try.


Weight Watchers - Day 1

Writing this blog has already proved to be a good thing for my weight loss journey. On Thursday I had decided to join Weight Watchers today and I wrote about it on here. Well, I didn't get to bed until midnight last night and when my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning for the 7am WW meeting I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. Because of this blog I felt that I really had to get up and get going. I am so glad I did.

I got to the location and registered for the program. The special this month is no registration fee, just pay the weekly fee, which is $16.80.

I weighed in and there was no surprise there, 321 as I've been almost all week. Now I have a starting point.... just down from here.

I like the meetings versus the online program strictly for the interaction you can have with the other members and the leader. Every week there is a new topic and we all discuss what's brought up. This week's topic was finding support whether at home, at work, or elsewhere.

We also celebrate any milestones that people have met and talk about issues that may have developed over the week.

I feel it's a big part of the success of the Weight Watchers program. The other part, obviously is the POINTS calculations. Every food has a POINTS value and you track how many points you eat and hit your daily traget POINTS amount. The amount of POINTS you eat is based on a calculation including age, height and activity level. My starting POINTS target is 38.

When I was leaving I decided to purchase 2 books, almost like a calorie counter that you can buy at the book store, that lists the POINTS values of various foods. One book is the Canadian Dining Out Companion and the other is the Canadian Food Companion. These will be a good resource for calculating POINTS when dining out or buying bulk foods or produce.

I also bought an electronic POINTS calculator that I can use to calculate POINTS when looking at packaged foods. It takes the values from the Nutritional Information and gives me the POINTS value per serving.

I also splurged and bought myself a box of Mini Chocolate Caramel Bars and a box of Creamy Chocolate Smoothie Mix. The bars are 2" mini bars that have a POINTS value of 1 per piece. A good choice if I'm craving sugar or chocolate. The Smoothie Mix is just that. It's a mix that you add to either milk or ice cold water and shake or blend until creamy. There is 1 POINT in the mix itself and will be a total of 3 POINTS if mixed with skim milk. Another good choice if I want something sweet without being "bad".

I'm already looking forward to going to next weeks' meeting. I'll let you know how it goes.


Yesterday Was a Struggle

So, yesterday I was all excited. I have decided to go back to Weight Watchers and I'm really looking forward to it. I was feeling good, getting a lot accomplished at the office and had plans to go for a walk as soon as I got home from work. Well, things changed.

I got a call from my son saying that he had left his house key in the backseat of my car, therefore preventing him from going home after school. Needless to say, I had to leave the office early to go pick him up. That in itself wouldn't have been so bad.

The problem was that I work across the city from where we live as does my husband. To cut costs we only use one car right now so I had to drive across the city to pick up my son, then drive back across to this side to pick my husband up from work. With all the time that took up we decided to grab something on this side of town for dinner as it was getting late and my husband being diabetic really needed to eat.

We ended up going to Chili's for dinner. I'm not sure if you've ever eaten there, but the food is good tasting, but really not the greatest for weight loss. I had printed out the nutritional information from their website earlier this week because we had an office luncheon there on Tuesday so I knew what was the better choices for me but it really wasn't what I was wanting.

I spent a good 20 minutes trying to decide what I wanted and what I could afford calories wise and I think I ended up with a good meal. We didn't have any appetizers obviously, as that's a huge no-no with me on this journey.

I ended up having the create your own combo. The Spciy Garlic & Lime Grilled Shrimp (you get about 8 pieces of shrimp) has 120 calories. I had that with the Grilled Salmon w/ Garlic & Herbs which has 370 calories. Typically the combo comes with Spicy Coleslaw(180 Calories) and Loaded Mashed Potatoes(390 Calories). I opted to have neither of these and in their place I had just a cup of Southewestern Vegetable soup (110 Calories). I drank Iced Tea (fresh brewed) with no sugar or sugar substitute so no calories there.

The total calories for last nights meal was 600 Calories. This was a good choice for me.

After dinner we drove back across town, heading for home. I had to stop at the grocery store for things for lunch and we didn't end up getting home until after 9. By the time we put the groceries away and cleaned up a bit it was after 10. By this time I wasn't in the mood to go back out for a walk so I just sat down at the computer and continued working on my meal plan for the next few weeks. I ended up doing that and watching Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice for 2 hours.

So much for being active. I felt good with my choices for dinner but felt awful for not getting moving.

I plan to change that tonight.


Weight Watchers - 2 Days from Now

I've been going through the options that are available and more importantly for me, options that are realistic and relatively inexpensive. I have decided that I am going to be re-starting Weight Watchers on Saturday morning.

I say re-starting because I had enrolled last year but with time constraints and money issues I couldn't justify the time and weekly expense. I know, no excuses! Today was payday and I have already set aside the money for 8 weeks of meetings so there will be no excuses.

The reason I decided on Weight Watchers is because I find of all the programs available, it allows for the best integration between what my family will be eating and what I will be preparing for myself. Overall, we will be having the same meals, I will just be having a more regulated portion control system in place for mine.

I like that fact that I can buy any item from the grocery store, calculate the POINTS for it and then either incorporate it into my meal plan or decide it's not worth it. I also like the meetings. Every week there is a topic that helps keep you motivated. You also have people that you can talk to and bounce questions off of. They are also a great source of suggestions for food items that you may never have considered before.

I'm really looking forward to this and will keep you updated as I go from step to step in the program. Weight Watchers, here I come!


Planning Ahead

Tonights task, while watching Biggest Loser, is to do up the meal plans for myself and my family for the next month. It's a time consuming task to start but will save so much time and energy when I no longer have to decide what to make for dinner each night.

I have an interview tomorrow night for a part-time job. If I get it I will be working a few nights each week after my day job and then again on the weekends. Planning is essential for this as I would end up eating fast food everynight if I didn't plan my meals and take them with me.

I have worked 2 jobs in the past and when I didn't have things made ahead of time, I ate all the wrong things for days at a time. I refuse to fall into that trap again.

Wish me luck!


Clearing Out The Bad Food

I feel very accomplished this weekend. I stayed the exact same weight but I go a lot accomplished. I went through every cupboard in my house and boxed up any foods that are not going to help in my weight loss battle. I have one small cupboard that is pretty much useless as it's small and narrow that I'm leaving for my son and husband so they can keep their microwave popcorn and quick breakfast bars. Beyond this cupboard everything is healthy and itemized.

I know exactly what I have available and I know that it's all good for me. Having it itemized also makes it easier for me to put together my grocery list and know that I won't be wasting money buying things I already have.

Everything that I can do to make the battle easier and allow me to focus my time and energy on the fitness portion of my plan is just that much better.

I also believe I'm over the worst of my flu so tomorrow I am back into the full swing of things and on the downward trend.


Keeping The Promise To Myself

I was sitting at the office today trying to get my head around the weight I still have to lose when I realized that my only real obstacle has been myself.

We all have reasons why we can't eat right or can't exercise, but when I thought about all of these reasons I kept coming back to the same question...why not? If I can find the time to sit and watch a television show, or play in an online poker tournament, I have the time to workout. With regards to the foods issue, yes it may be a bit more expensive to buy the low-fat foods, trust me I have compared the prices, and it is more expensive, but if I'm spending my money on the more substantial filling foods then I won't be spending money on the fluff that has gotten me to the weight I am now.

Another excuse I used to come up with is that I had to take care of my son and husband before myself. Beyond the standard grocery shopping, when I went to the store it was to buy sliced lunch meat for my husbands' sandwiches, microwave meals for my son's lunches at school which left very little money for the healthy items I was looking for. I was left with few choices beyond this type of food.

After examining my priorities today I have decided that in order for me to be the best wife and mother I can be, I need to set myself on an equal level with them and not behind them. I am keeping the promise that I made to myself to be at my goal weight by the time I reach my 35th birthday, which is early 2012.

In order to keep this promise I have to change my view on things. I am making meal plans for everyone in my family and there will be no more processed lunch meat and microwave meals. Whole, healthy foods planned out for everyone and I will get the foods my body needs for success. These foods will be good for all of us, as my son is a larger kid and my husband is diabetic. By making this change for myself we will all benefit greatly.

I am worth it and so are they. My son may dread the thought but I'm sure when I incorporate great flavors with great food he will enjoy it as well.

I have alway prided myself in the fact that when I make someone a promise I always find a way to keep it. Now it's my turn to have a promise kept!


Finding The Energy When Fighting The Flu

Have you ever had one of those days when you really wanted to do something, but your body was telling you "NO WAY MAN!"? Yesterday was one of those days for me.

For the past 3 days I have been at a plateau of 321 pounds and yesterday I was determined to workout hard to break through the plateau. Well, regardless of the best intentions, I accomplished nothing.

I have been fighting the flu for a week and a half now and thought that if I got moving it might help. As soon as I got home from work last night I put on my workout clothes, got on my Gazelle and that's about as far as I got. I did maybe 3 minutes on the Gazelle and my head started spinning. I thought I was going to pass out, which is never a good thing when you're on a piece of fitness equipment.

Obviously I got off, drank some water and things started to stabilize. I figured I'd go with something a little slower so I started up the Wii and popped in EA Sports Active. It was a rest day on my 30 day challenge so I decided to do some boxing drills to get me moving. That was a mistake.

I did the first set of 20 punches and that's it. I just wanted to fall over. Now I usually love the boxing activities and I find it gives me a good low intensity cardio workout, but last night every punch seemed to drain more and more of my energy.

I turned the Wii off, sat on the couch and the next thing I knew my husband was waking me up telling me I should head to bed.

I already feel awful because my weight isn't dropping and then I don't even have the energy to work out, it's maddening. I hope that I can finally beat this in the next day or two and get back on track.



I'm sure everyone out there has explored all of the options for websites and podcasts that can help in your weight loss journey. I have recently come across one that is actually the inspiration for me to be writing this blog.

Dave Jackson has created logicalloss.com and the podcast to share his experiences with weight loss. He reviews the products that he uses and the articles that he reads.

I find myself listening to his podcasts at my desk during the day and it keeps me motivated when I'm up to my neck with paperwork. I have now downloaded all of the past podcasts and look forward to listening to them when I go for my walks, once the snow finally lets up.

Thanks Dave for all your effort and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.


Last Nights Biggest Loser

There are only 2 shows on TV that I absolutely MUST watch and NBC's The Biggest Loser is one of them.

I have been hooked on the show since Day 1 of the first season. I see my faults and my struggles in every one of their stories.

Most times when I watch it I feel a sense of hope from their successes. I watch their workouts for things I can do and I take note of all the Trainer Tips that are made available.

On the odd day, though, it does upset me to watch it. The starting weight of most of these people is under what I currently weigh. I know I have come a far way but when I realize I still have so far to go, it's upsetting.

On last nights show I could relate with Michael. He's lost 183 pounds but still has a long road ahead. When he said that at the start of the week he was only 5 pounds less than what Daris had weighed Day 1 it hit me hard.

The weight that Sunshine was on Day 1 is still 2 goals away for me. She started her journey at 275 pounds and I would give so much to be that weight.

I know that I can't begrudge them their success and I really am happy for them, but sometimes I am jealous of what they've accomplished. But then I think, if they can do it so can I.

I don't have 8 hours a day to workout, or the money for a personal trainer to kick my butt, but I will do what I can. The weight won't come off as quickly doing it my way, but it will come off.


Step 1 - Setting Goals

The first step of my process has to be to set some goals for myself. I have split the weight I want to lose into smaller, more manageable chunks which should help keep me focused and on track. After I reach each goal I will be rewarding myself with something non-food related.

My first goal is 300 pounds. I haven't been this weight since the middle of February 1997, just after my son was born. My reward for reaching this goal is a tattoo of my favorite Disney Character: Eeyore.

My second goal is 275 pounds. The last time this weight showed on the scale was the end of June 1995 when I graduated from high school. My reward for this goal is a tattoo for the positive/"Good" side of me, a dolphin.

My third goal is 250 pounds. I'm not sure the last time I was this weight. Probably sometime in grade 10. The reward for this goal is a tattoo for the darker/"Bad" side of me, a tiger.

As my goals to this point are 25 pounds apart, I guess 225 is the next step. I was probably only 14 years old when I was this weight. The reward for this goal is a scroll in Chinese calligraphy stating: Success Is Mine!

My Ultimate goal is 207 pounds. This weight is still considerably overweight according to all the charts, but it's lower than the lowest weight I can ever remember being. I was 208 pounds when I was 12 years old and began all of this dieting nonsense. My reward for myself at this weight is two-fold. I am obviously going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe but for myself as a prize/reminder will be my last tattoo.

I will be getting a picture of a bathroom scale with my heaviest weight of 489 listed in the display, with the words NEVER AGAIN! underneath.
I'm not saying that once I reach this weight I will stop losing, I just know that I will never go back to where I was, or even to where I am right now.
1 Step in my Journey To Weight Loss Success.

Who Am I, Why Am I Writing This Blog & Why Should You Care?

I don't know about you, but for myself, the best way for me to get things started is to just jump in and see how things go. With that being said, I guess I'll start by introducing myself and explaining what I hope to accomplish with this blog.

My name is Linda and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I was a teenage mom of a now teenage son. I have struggled with obesity all of my life and hit an all-time heavy weight of 489 pounds. After several years of hard work I have managed to get down to 321 pounds. I have hit yet another plateau and can't seem to break it, which is why I'm writing this blog.

I hope that by making daily entries online and feeling accountable to others it will keep me motivated when I just want to give up. I will be reviewing different workout routines that I find, Nintendo Wii Exercise "games", as well as trying out new healthy recipes that I come across. Maybe by me doing these reviews it will keep me on track to do the right thing and who knows, maybe it will help someone else who isn't sure about trying something out.

This is where you come in. If you have suggestions of things I should try, whether a "game", a recipe or a workout, please let me know. I am willing to try anything and give my opinion of everything. If it's something you've wanted to try but are not sure it's worth the cost, I will try it out for you and give you my feedback. I am also hoping you can do something for me. If you read this and feel that I may be slipping back into my old habits, please give me a swift kick in the butt. I will have my email address available so anyone that does not want to post something publicly can email the kick and get me back on track.

Well, that's enough for my introduction. I vow that I will see success and I hope to provide the support for everyone else to find success as well.

Let's do this together!